Fall League Descriptions

We offer young boys and girls the opportunity to spend many years in our program. Although skills and competition increase as players advance, the focus at all levels is on learning and fun. Continuous batting orders are used and all players must play a minimum number of innings in the field. Although we base our rules on National Federation of High School standards, there are modifications for each league to provide a careful evolution and recreational focus as summarized below:

Baseball Leagues


Softball Leagues


Team Selection

The WYBSL staff builds teams with the goal of “balancing” ages and skill levels based on:

• Coach and Staff member ratings of players who played in our spring/summer leagues.
• Parents’ ratings of their child.

The WYBSL Staff then assembles teams by:

1. Honoring “friend” requests. Please note; adults wishing to coach together must use this procedure. See procedure at right.
2. Siblings in the same league are automatically placed on the same team, unless otherwise requested.
3. Assigning pitchers and catchers (in older leagues).
4. Allocating remaining players while attempting to achieve parity among teams.
5. In 7U and Tee-Ball, we attempt to build teams by geographic area.

Unfortunately, requests for specific coaches or “car-pooling” groups can not be honored.

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Email: wybsl@wybsl.org

Weather Hotline: 614.523.6220

P.O. Box 1198
Westerville, OH 43086-1198

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