Below, you’ll find the answers to the most commonly asked questions about WYBSL Fall Ball Registration. Please click on a question to be taken to the answer.
Note: The WYBSL Constitution and Regulations/ByLaws are the governing documents of the League. This section contains general information only and should not be construed to be the official rules of the organization.
How do I register my child?
How much does it cost?
What’s included in my fees?
What is a ‘Fields Fund’ fee and do we have to pay it?
Why are baseball/softball/tee-ball fees higher than some other youth sports?
To whom should I make my check payable?
How do I register my child?
There are two ways to register for participation in the WYBSL:
How much does it cost?
The fees vary based upon the level of play. Please check the registration form for current Registration and Fields Fund fees.
What’s included in my fees?
Besides the practices and games themselves, each player receives a team shirt and cap or visor. WYBSL provides all field and team equipment needed to play the game – bases, bats, helmets, balls, batting tee (tee-ball) and catcher’s gear (coach-pitch leagues and older). Each player must supply a fielder’s glove, shoes and shorts or baseball pants.
What’s a ‘Fields Fund’ fee and do we have to pay it?
Once each calendar year, each player must pay a Fields Fund fee of $24. If paid during Spring/Summer registration, it does not need to be paid again during Fall registration. 100% of this fee is placed in a special fund which is and will be used for field improvements, maintenance and special projects.
Why are baseball/softball/tee-ball fees higher than some other youth sports?
Simply put, it costs more to operate. Infields have to be dragged and maintained daily, grass has to be mowed, fences and backstops need to be painted and repaired, and infield clay and soil conditioner have to be purchased annually. Equipment is purchased and stored – WYBSL spends more than $10,000 each year for balls alone – and umpires are paid, etc. You can find a chart showing WYBSL expenses in the spring issue of Batter Up!, the League newsletter.
To whom should I make my check payable?
‘Westerville Youth Baseball and Softball League’, or simply ‘WYBSL’.
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