We expect excellent sportsmanship in our leagues – and work hard to make sure it happens. The WYBSL is blessed that there are very few incidents of negative conduct each year.
Sportsmanship has a lot of parts – attitude, intensity, commitment and the way we interact with each other. And good sportsmanship is the responsibility of all of us – especially the examples set by coaches and parents.
We need everyone’s help to make sure that the WYBSL experience is a great one for all players. And we can’t handle such situations if we don’t know about them. Please don’t wait – hoping that things will get better.
If you observe negative conduct, excessive “intensity” or willful violation of the rules on the part of anyone – speak to your coach or, if appropriate, call your Program Director or the WYBSL answering service (614/523-6101) immediately. The league will review the basis of your concern in a confidential manner and, if warranted, deal with such conduct fairly and swiftly.
Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated in the league. Team coaches are responsible for their conduct and the conduct of their players and fans.
A coach, player or fan can be ejected from a game and/or removed from the playing field area by order of an umpire, Fall Ball Committee Member or WYBSL Trustee if they violate a league rule of conduct, as follows:
If a coach, player or fan is ejected from a game and/or removed from the playing field area for conduct as described above (or in the case of G. above, does not participate as described), the person shall provide a written statement describing his/her version of the events and/or other explanation to the Committee within twenty-four hours of the incident, and may not attend or participate in any practice or game until doing so.
The Committee or Program Director shall review the statement and gather any other information from other parties that they deem necessary to determine if a further penalty should be assessed. Such further penalty, if any, shall be assessed before the team’s next scheduled game.
Any coach who violates the above guidelines may be immediately removed from his/her position by the Committee. In the event of such an occurrence, each coach would be provided with the opportunity to appear before the Board of Trustees at its next scheduled meeting in order to describe for the Board his/her version of the events which may exist for reinstating the coach.
WYBSL, JBBL, JGSL staff, managers, coaches and umpires are expected to enforce this policy at all times.
The WYBSL uses social media platforms primarily to communicate league updates in a timely and consistent fashion. It is also a conduit for parents and participants to ask questions and share feedback with the league. While these platforms are an effective means to communicate, they can also be used in negative ways. Please know that the WYBSL’s conduct and sportsmanship policies also pertain to the use of social media.
Lastly, please remember we are all members of the same community participating in a recreational program for our young people. If you have significant concerns with the actions of individuals or league operations, please email us and we’ll be happy to assist!