The safety of our players and damage to fields should be primary concerns of all WYBSL participants for which our policy was developed:
Rain – Prior to a scheduled game, only the WYBSL Fields Director (or other WYBSL designee) has the authority to cancel a game. If timing is possible, the league will announce the day’s field conditions on the Weather Hot Line (614) 523-6220 and Twitter page @WYBSLalerts. However, if conditions are marginal, or if rain occurs after one and one-half hours before game time, teams should go to their field. At that point, and throughout the game, the authority to stop play rests with the umpires and WYBSL staff. Games may be resumed at any time within 30 minutes of stoppage, if fields are playable.
Lightning/Thunder – If the City’s Lightning Prediction System covers a field of play, when one continuous horn burst is sounded, all games and practices must stop and fields must be cleared. An all-clear is signaled by three short bursts. This applies at all times and in all weather conditions.
Whether a lightning prediction system is present or not, if lightning is sighted or thunder is heard, umpires will immediately clear the field and dugouts; if sighted by one umpire in a multiple diamond location, all fields will be cleared. Games may resume no less than 30 minutes after the last lightning sighting or thunder is heard, if fields are playable.
Playability – If a game is stopped during play, players and fans should move to shelter or cars and wait for a notice from the umpire or WYBSL staff. The final decision regarding playability rests with the umpires (in a multiple diamond location, umpires may consult each other if field conditions are marginal).
In the case of practices, Head Coaches are responsible for following the weather policy. For all Coach-Pitch and Tee-Ball games, Head Coaches are jointly responsible for following league policy.
The WYBSL uses several forms of communication channels to communicate game and event schedule changes (coaches are responsible for practice schedule decisions regarding the above policy).
The Weather Hotline is updated on weeknights by 4pm, Saturdays by 8am and Sundays by 11am. Please note, field changes are sometimes necessary due to non-weather events. Generally, there will not be further updates on weekdays. On weekends, if conditions change and allow, additional alerts may be posted regarding later games.
The league will also tweet schedule updates on the same schedule that the Weather Hotline is updated.
Eight games are scheduled in Tee-ball, twelve in all other leagues. The WYBSL will reschedule as many make-up games as possible during the season. Make-up games are traditionally scheduled on Sundays (after 12p) and Monday evenings.
The “make-up week” is Saturday thru Thursday. For example, a Thursday rain-out will be made up 3-4 days later on Sunday/Monday. A Saturday rain-out will be made-up 8-9 days later on the following Sunday/Monday.